Waving Mondays

To boost our team spirit and strengthen our collaborative efforts, we come together at Waving Mondays throughout the year. Waving Mondays are organised as field trips to the different partner institutes (UU, WUR, TUE and UMCU), each hosted by the representing members of the team. Waving Mondays will not only enrich our platform but also highlight the diverse perspectives within our consortium. Hands-on components are also included so that members of the team can dive into the world of each other's research field.  

Past: Waving Monday 1. Crafting Stories

The first Waving Monday took place on February 26 in Utrecht. Gerbrand welcomes us at ‘his’ Utrecht University for a day full of stories. David and Marloes of Scientific Storytelling fasttrack our story-telling skills, and help us turning our stories into video. We will hear stories from inspirational speakers, craft the story on early signalling and tell our stories on camera. The preliminary programme is as follows:

10:00 Plenary opening: and Speedy Workshop Scientific Storytelling

11:00 Tour to NPEC

12:00 Early Signaling Stories from Utrecht:

  • Drones Detect Draught - Gerbrand Koren

  • The Hearts of the Veterinary World - Frank van Steenbeek

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Hands-on-sessions:

  • Develop a course or tutorial on early signaling (Mark)

  • Write the Better Wave Manifesto (Gerbrand)

  • Compare signals and stories (Terry)

16:30 Plenary synthesis

17:00 Drinks

Waving Monday 2. Under the Hood

The second Waving Monday takes place on July 1 in Eindhoven. Patty welcomes us at ‘her’ Eindhoven University of Technology for a day full of technology. We will keep building stories but also compare our respective signals on a deeper, more technical level. The preliminary program will follow soon.

Waving Monday 3. TBD

The third Waving Monday takes place on September 23 in Wageningen. Mark welcomes us at ‘his’ Wageningen University and Research Centre for a day full of inspiration. It is still to be determined what the source and direction of inspiration will be. The preliminary program will follow soon.

Waving Monday 4. TBD

The fourth Waving Monday takes place on December 2 in Utrecht. Terry welcomes us at ‘his’ UMC Utrecht for a day full of inspiration. It is still to be determined what the source and direction of inspiration will be. The preliminary program will follow soon.

10:00 Opening

10:15 On queuing, wind mills and random walks; data-driven decision making under uncertainty and early detection

  • Introduction Stella Kapodistria

  • Round of inspiration; participants tell about the links of Stella’s research with their own research

  • Action list

 11:00 On pregnancies, ventilation asynchrony,  and perioperative procedures; decision-making based on early signals

  • Introduction Simona Turco

  • Round of inspiration; participants tell about the links of Simona’s research with their own research

  • Action list

11:45 Tour Strijp-S (former Philips buildings)

14:30 Interview outcomes: characteristics, interdisciplinarity, actions

  • Introduction Emilie Velders

  • Better Wave work groups:

    • Defining early signals

    • Ensuring interdisciplnarity

    • Initiating actions

16:00 Progress Better Wave than Worry

  • Introduction Terry Vrijenhoek

  • Hands-on sessions: position paper, training module and community building

 >17:00 Drinks/Dinner